Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Holiday Mood

AAH! I broke my promise again... But there should be more posts as the holidays arrive. PomPom is starting to get into that holiday mood already.

Somebody stole my pair of leather gloves. Don't you think he looks like a dog?

It's rather disgusting, but it appears that PomPom has stuffed an actual pompom in his nose. He thought it was funny: "It tickles, heehee!" (meanwhile, I'm shaking my head in exasperation ;) )

Ah ha! I was wondering why my gloves went missing - a second time. Peek-a-boo! I see you!

 "I can't see you, so you can't see me." Huh, that's funny. Then why do I see a chubby mass of orange and cream fur that looks suspiciously like a PomPom?

Here is a peaceful, artsy image of PomPom's behind as he waits on the staircase.
 Originally, my parents had promised me that we would buy the Christmas tree on Sunday. But after I came home from an extracurricular class on Sunday, they had changed their minds. I was crestfallen! I had been looking forward to that in AGES, anticipating the moment when we would decorate the tree and bask in its beauty.
As soon as I came home though, I was so surprised and delighted to see this:

 The tree was already there, waiting for me! Furthermore, it was already lighted! I was jumping up and down and squealing with my excitement and happiness! I gathered up the ornaments, and soon the tree was adorned within a matter of minutes. I'm very proud.
As you can see, PomPom is admiring it too

Lanna (I promise that more photos of PomPom will be coming!)

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