Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day PomPom!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
I have lots of photos in store for you!

First up: pretty flowers. Aren't these carnations stunning? The photos are definitely something to proud of (I took them).

These are the Valentine roses we bought for my mom. Notice the adorable pig. I put it there, and it certainly does add a little something to the flowers.

 Hehe! This is an absolutely cute couple of bears showing off their Valentine spirit.
Here's where PomPom comes in...

Minnie and Marie were already equipped with bows and PomPom didn't have one. Of course I had to add one! And doesn't he look good?

Alas, PomPom doesn't agree.
PomPom: Why do I have to wear this bow? I'm a boy you know. Wait - what? It's for the blog? Okay fine *poses*.

When it comes to taking pictures, the blog is always the number one priority in PomPom's eyes.

Now here comes the fun part. Try to find a rose in each of the following photos. I'll admit, most of them are quite easy. But have fun anyways.

 Group pic!

Haha, this one was too funny to miss getting a close-up of.
Marie: Is that...a rose? On my head?! POMPOM!

I'll leave off with the ever so innocent Baymax.

Um, I have a rose and I've always been meaning to... you know...

Would you please accept my rose?

Yeah okay. You can take it now.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Hi! I'm still here...

After so many days of not posting, I think you guys deserve a full post. I promise I won't disappoint!

Oh dear...once again, this image is sideways. Sorry!

 All aboard the PomPom express! PomPom, you do know that you're supposed to be facing the other way, right?
What do you mean? This is the right way...

 Of course I had to get close-up pics. They are so cute!

Olaf and Sven...

 And here's our big star of the night [drumroll] Baymax! After watching Disney's animated film Big Hero 6, I fell in love with him! His charm, innocence, and CUTENESS!

But, PomPom is getting a little jealous of him. Actually, "little" might be an understatement.

PomPom the train conductor, sitting in the wrong seat, facing the wrong way.

 Ah ha! Recently, we got a lot of snow. So, I decided to go out and build a snow kitty! It's loosely based off of Hello Kitty. Tell me what you think!

Unfortunately, we had to bear with 2 more feet of snow attacking us. Snow kitty got buried up to her neck.

I leave you with a final glimpse of a stare off between PomPom and Baymax (I know, Baymax can stand! Is it bad that I got super excited over that?).

I hope you enjoyed them! Au revoir!

P.S. I had to put that in because I noticed some French visitors had seen my blog  -_-