Friday, September 26, 2014

PomPom...and Perseverence

Hi! It's been a little while since I've posted, and I apologize for that. Anyways, I heard a little cry of "Help!" from PomPom, and I turned around to see this:

I guess that's PomPom's approach to getting up the chair. Obviously that approach didn't work. But PomPom and his perseverance, paved the way. Another angle, perhaps:

For PomPom's benefit of not having to humiliate himself in front of me, and so I could successfully prevent myself from bursting from laughter, I helped him get up the chair. Easy enough - for now.

Here comes the descent down the perilous steep mountain:

Much to his surprise, PomPom landed with a soft thump on the floor. He is evidently, not pleased.


Saturday, September 20, 2014


Hello everyone! Today's post is just a little mix of what's been going on here.
First up: PomPom suddenly started crying and I hurried over to him. Turns out, he thought he was blind...but evidently, that is not the case. Of course I had to take the bottle caps off for him, and then he was fine. Oh silly PomPom!

 PomPom stealing the whole pizza.

 And napping. I tucked him in, while he was snoring away, not a single care in the world...I really do envy PomPom. He gets to relax every single day, with me fussing over him and everything. ;-)


Monday, September 15, 2014

Napping PomPom

From this post's title, you can probably tell what it's about - yup, I caught PomPom napping! Which unsurprisingly, isn't very hard.



Quite unimportant, but I had to post this picture of PomPom staring at these grapes. He's anticipating them, waiting to savor their sweet, sweet, juiciness....drool already threatening to escape, he stuffs his mouth into the table to stem the flow....
Sorry, couldn't help it. *grin*


Bored at School

I don't even know why I did this, considering the fact that PomPom doesn't even have school. All he does is eat, sleep, and fart all day. But he certainly does look bored. He's even picking his nose with his pencil! Don't look at me! It's DEFINITELY not my influence...


PomPom Vacation- Forgotten photos

Well, it should be apparent to you if you read the post title, that...I forgot to post some photos. Without further ado, here they are.

PomPom acting "smart". We took PomPom to a restaurant when we went out for dinner at Lotus Garden.

PomPom and his pad Thai.*sigh* It's because of the peanuts. For some reason, he REALLY loves peanuts.

Of course we had to take a pic before bedtime! Perhaps even PomPom had the notion that pictures would delay bedtime...

PomPom Style

PomPom claims he has his own fashion line that's going to be coming out soon. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to make it... I mean look at it! It may look irresistibly cute on PomPom, but I doubt that I wouldn't get any odd glances from passersby if I wore that in public.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Teddy Vacation Part 4

Alas, yet another post today... This is the fourth part of "Teddy Vacation". To see the other parts, see here.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

After the mansions, we took a relaxing, cool, walk by the coast. It was 3 miles!

Oh yes, building rock towers, such fun! It looks especially nice when there's a lot all you can see.


Teddy likes it.

I leave you with a final shot of me and Teddy by the coast, a lovely sunset behind us.


Teddy Vacation Part 3

Hi again! Third post today... "Teddy Vacation" continues here.
Part 1 is:
Part 2 is:

My, is it windy!

Teddy looks adorable here!

I see Teddy is getting even more daring than before. But still cute all the same!


Finally, a magnificent view of another mansion we visited.


Teddy Vacation Part 2

Part 2 of the "Teddy Vacation" has arrived! Here is the link to part one in case you missed it:

After getting off the car, Teddy decided to ride in my backpack the rest of the day - comfy, warm, and a great view. (from the back of course!)

First stop, Ros- wait. I'll leave it to you. Guess where I went.... Hehehe!

 Teddy poking his head out. I thought I should add some photos of the mansion as well. Aren't they beautiful?

Teddy and I at the backyard. Ahh... such a nice view of the ocean.

Teddy posing on the steps. I think the color of his fur matches quite nicely, doesn't it?

Teddy couldn't resist trying out this birdbath - he said it was pretty comfortable.

Teddy Vacation Part 1

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I disappeared for a while... But anyways, you know how I took PomPom on vacation, well, I also decided to bring someone else... Teddy!

Getting a good night's sleep.

Need help getting dressed there, Teddy?

Tourist Teddy!

On the car, buckled up nice and tight.
Vacation, here we come!