Friday, January 16, 2015

How to Speak PomPom Language

Hello! I'm excited to share with you a lesson on how to speak PomPom language. Although he is a boy, it just so happens that he actually has a high-pitched voice. But first, the photos.
PomPom and I are doing the middle splits. Simultaneously, PomPom is acting as a chin cushion (and a very comfortable one at that!)
 Please don't ask how I came to see PomPom like this. He fell off the couch by himself!
Haha...creepy and cute upside-down PomPom face. Aren't his eyes lovely though?
Hello Kitty 1 and 2 have come to join the PomPom club - for the fabulously cute!
 This picture might not seem so special. But I think PomPom looks especially cute when he's like this.
Finally, I present to you a short-necked giraffe wearing a panda hat. How ironic...
Now to the fun stuff:
Important things to note when speaking PomPom language
  • PomPom's voice is high-pitched!
  • "S"'s are always pronounced like "sh". Ex) "something" is "shum-shing"
  • "Th-"'s are also pronounced like "sh".
  • If there is an "-le" (or a sound similar to that) at the end of a word such as "possible" or "invisible", pucker up your lips to make a "boh" sound.
  • When a word has an "ea" combination, heavily emphasize both of these vowel sounds. For example, in the word "really", it would sound like: ree-ah-lee"
  • Instead of using "I", PomPom uses "me" (except when asking if he's cute. Of course THAT has to be in proper English grammar). Ex) Me like grapes.
In PomPom language, there are some words that are exceptions.
  • Grapes are prounounced "grah-pees". It rhymes with "happy".
  • Oranges are pronounced "or-AN-gees".
  • Google is "joo-AW-gul"
  • Amazon is "a-MAA-zon"
  • Yahoo is "yay-hoo"
Anyways, if this is confusing, don't worry about it. After all, PomPom is pretty confusing.
