Wednesday, September 3, 2014

PomPom Vacation Part 2

Hello! This is continued from my last post about going on vacation with PomPom.
To see the first part, click here:

Anyways, PomPom was really happy once we got to the hotel...

and the first thing he did was crash on the bed. Silly PomPom! It took me a while to persuade him to go see the beautiful view outside:

PomPom:Ah, so comfy...
Me: Come on PomPom, it's really pretty outside.
PomPom: No! Me want to stay on the comfy bed, yahaha!
Me: (sigh) Come ON PomPom, you can lie on the bed later. In fact, you can sleep the rest of the day if you want to, but for now, I want you to come with me.
PomPom: Can I get a cookie?
Me: Probably not.
PomPom: Then me don't want to go!!
Me: *drags PomPom off the bed*
PomPom: Wow! It is pretty out here, yahaha...

Yeah, you get the big idea.


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