Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Harry Potter Party Prep

Oh dear... how to explain... it's been AGES since I last posted, and I'm deeply terribly sorry about it.  :-(

With that out of the way... I've been in a frenzy this summer with the vacation to Europe and whatnot and also the fact that I'm going to have my first birthday party ever! Thrown by myself! It's pretty crazy. This being my first time throwing a party (how ironic it's my own), it's kind of daunting. Not to mention the fact that I had to go and choose Harry Potter as my theme.

Yes, that's right - my birthday party is Harry Potter themed! It hasn't happened yet, but I just thought I'd show you some preparation pics.

My beautiful Golden snitch... This was actually very simple to make. I forgot to take pictures while I was making it, but here it is:
1) Buy a smooth foam styrofoam ball (obviously a small one) and metallic angel wings from a craft store.
2) Sketch out the design of the snitch lightly in pencil or pen. Try not to make too much of an indentation.
3) Using hot glue, trace over the pencil/pen lines. Allow the glue to dry (it doesn't take long).
4) Cover the entire surface with gold paint.
5) Insert and glue the wings into the ball, and voila!
You have yourself a Golden snitch.

And now we move on to the potions. I have some trivia games planned for the party and one of them is called "Guess my Potion". I have four potions (one of which is not shown here) and I describe each of them. The person who correctly guesses the name of the potion gets to keep it.

Phoenix Tears (I know it really isn't a potion, but I threw it in there because it was easy and my friends aren't super educated on Harry Potter...yet. I told them to study up! *wink*).

 Felix Felicis, a.k.a. Liquid Luck. The label reads: "From the apothecary of Horace E. F. Slughorn".

 My favorite (you can tell because I took two pictures instead of one)! Amortentia. One of the most powerful love potions.

 The fourth potion that's missing is Veritaserum. Harry Potter fans will know that it is a truth-telling serum.

Continuing with the wands. I love how authentic they are! These require a little more time to make than the snitch, but it's worth it:
1) Buy wooden dowels from the craft store and cut them to varying lengths (honestly, it's much easier to use long chopsticks but I didn't have them on hand).
2) Skip this step if you're using the chopsticks. If not, sharpen one end with a knife to make a point. Sand well.
3) Use hot glue to create designs for the handles of the wands.

4) Time to paint! You can use any color you like. For mine, I used bronze, olive green, and black.

And you're done!

A close-up at the cool handles.

 I have printed several Daily Prophet excerpts and Umbridge's proclamations as well to hang on the walls. They're not shown here.

This last photo is of all the stuff I've been making. There you see the snitch, potions, and wands that I just showed you. There's also the candles (toilet paper rolls) and chocolate frog boxes (the blue pentagonal things in the front).

I'll be sure to show you the rest of the decorations once the party happens. Unfortunately that means you'll have to wait a few weeks. :-3

Lanna <3

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